6 Lessons I’ve Learned from the Hamilton Soundtrack

Don’t worry, this isn’t a listicle…

Aaron Charles
5 min readJun 9, 2016
Though I’ve never met him, Lin-Manuel Miranda has provided me with powerful inspiration.

A few months ago, a college friend recommended the Hamilton soundtrack to me. Obviously I had heard of the breakthrough Broadway hit, but I hadn’t listened to the soundtrack yet. She told me it was a must-listen, especially for writers. I was instantly intrigued.

I enjoy listening to music while I’m working on more mundane projects. It helps jumpstart me and keep me interested in what I’m doing. So the next day, I gave the Hamilton soundtrack a try.

Flash forward — I’m now a Hamilton addict. While I don’t currently have large sums of money sitting around in order to actually buy tickets, I’m determined to go one day. Why?

Because I’ve been inspired. By words. By music. By narrative. By creativity. By genius. Let me tell you what I mean…

Before I go any further, however, I want to make things clear. You may have read the title to this post and thought, “Oh no, not another listicle.” Hopefully you then continued on to the sub-head, because this is not another listicle. While I have nothing against that type of writing or the writers who use it, I wanted this post to be different.

So in the words that follow, I’ll leave it to you to find the “6 things” yourself. Some of them



Aaron Charles

Christ-follower. Husband to @SarahLCharles. Simple moments hold great power. Connect with me at my website: www.aarondcharles.com